Sunday, June 26, 2011

take everyday as a practice

tmr marks a new start and everyone is already feeling the jitters. hopes and fears always accompany us. that's the inevitable fact when we can't eschew. so just like what my fav singer Cheer Chen sings "take everyday as a practice. to use present in exchange with the past. to use tomorrow in exchange for what was lost" (loosely translated), don't take life too hard as we still have sooo much to learn :) 

Friday, June 10, 2011


熬夜是青春的专利。心知肚明,筹码也没剩多少了。那一晚,w 说人一生也要醉个一两次。可当发现筹码没多少了,又想玩很大的时候。只能感叹当初为什么一直要那么节俭。因为,到了某个点。你就会发现,身体机能已经在抗拒熬夜和宿醉这回事。

Sunday, June 5, 2011


-夏宇 《你正百无聊赖我正美丽》