Sunday, June 26, 2011

take everyday as a practice

tmr marks a new start and everyone is already feeling the jitters. hopes and fears always accompany us. that's the inevitable fact when we can't eschew. so just like what my fav singer Cheer Chen sings "take everyday as a practice. to use present in exchange with the past. to use tomorrow in exchange for what was lost" (loosely translated), don't take life too hard as we still have sooo much to learn :) 


steph said...

i love the pic of the smiley face balloon! what a simple but creative idea... an instant pick-me up on a bad day lol!

Duan 立山而 said...

hey steph,

thanks! you have a great day ahead :)

小步舞曲 said...

还有,谢谢你连接我 :)

Duan 立山而 said...

哈好的好的,有空会去找找看 :)