也许它知道我不来“搅局”,所以每次悠然自得地赖在我们家外的阶梯或走廊。一经过它身旁,还时不时就"diao" 我两下,然后自顾自地往一旁发出类似“嗤”的不屑声。(它不敢躺在我们家门口了,因老妈会把它赶走。)
For all the cat lovers, don't you just love and hate them at times...
The cat is somewhere there....
Always so smitten by the sight of Ann Siang Hill.
Duxton Hill. It was a quiet early afternoon when we dropped by 荣念曾's exhibition. That was funny, had a real funny chat with a turk over there....
The back alley of somewhere in between chinatown, ann siang hill, tanjong pagar...
Not to mention this place that inspires me the MOST. Casualpoet.
I wanna pack my bag and walk away like Jack Kerouac's On the Road.
While Polymath and Crust is a cosy little place for books.
Love the rustic feel of my grandma's house.